2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor Petition Candidates

June 3, 2017

I recently posted "Join The Battle To Reform Wall Street Regulation" (BrokeAndBroker.com Blog, June 2, 2017) and "Stephen A. Kohn for 2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor" (BrokeAndBroker.com Blog, May 30, 2017), in which I set out the case for a more meaningful and representative role for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") Small Firm community; called for the implementation of overdue self-regulatory reform; urged the small firm membership to support qualified, sincere, and committed candidates for elective office at the self-regulator; and expressed my support for Stephen Kohn's election as 2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor

The FINRA Small Firm community deserves capable, sincere, dedicated, veteran candidates for the 2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor seat. Get to know your candidates. Make your vote and voice count! 

In keeping with the desire to provide the FINRA Small Firm community with the best possible candidates, the BrokeAndBroker.com Blog continues its policy of offering free space to all candidates. If you or someone you know is running as a candidate, contact Bill Singer, publisher of the BrokeAndBroker.com Blog and arrange for the free posting of your comment, biography and petition. Last year, we featured comments, petitions, and ballots on behalf of Small Firm candidates Robert Muh (the victor), Robert Keenan, and Stephen Kohn. I look forward to working with all 2017 candidates and making common cause. 

Stephen A. Kohn is running as a candidate for the 2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor seat. Stephen has demonstrated a persistent and consistent record as an unabashed advocate for industry reform and effective regulation. He is not running for office in order to burnish his resume. Without question, Stephen seeks a Board seat in order to shake things up, to force consideration of reforms that are long overdue, and to make sure that someone fights for the legitimate needs of FINRA's besieged small firms.  

I support Stephen's candidacy for 2017 FINRA Small Firm Governor and urge all BrokeAndBroker.com Blog readers to press their FINRA member firm's Executive Representative to support Stephen's candidacy for the Board.


READ Stephen's Online Biography